Tuesday, February 1, 2022

I am still blogging

but I’ve moved.

Click here

to visit my new blog

and see the next stage of my learning journey.

Comments are closed here. Please comment on my new blog.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Be An Upstander

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we completed our videos about how to be an upstander - and not be a bystander.
We had some powerful messages on how to be an upstander. 

We used Canva to make a video. 
We ahve got the Edu version of Canva and can access lots of premium content.
We added our messages and then inserted images to support the message. 
We animated the elements and added audio to our video. 
Here is some of our work.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Keeping Games Fun and Friendly

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we talked about playing games online and how to keep them fun and friendly. Lots of us play Minecraft, Roblox and Fortnite. Lots of us use the chat bot to communicate with others while playing games online. 

We watched a video that showed 2 friends playing a game together online. We thought about some of the things that happened in their game. We then looked a traffic light and what we can do safely when playing online games, what things would make us stop and think and the things that we would absolutely not do.

We used a Jamboard to put our ideas together. We were in teams and the whole class was using the Jamboard at the same time. You can view our Jamboard here.

Below are screenshots of each team's ideas. 

Do you like playing games online? How do you make sure you are Cybersmart when playing online games?

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Media We Use

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we were thinking about the media we use and all the different types of media there are.

We remembered how to use Remove Background and made a poster of the media we like to use.

Here is the start of your work. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

What is Media? Jamboard Brainstorm.

 This week in our Cybersmart lesson we were thinking about the different types of media there are and which ones we use. 

We brainstormed on a Jamboard the media we use. We separated it into digital and physical and whether they made us sad or happy. It was a bit tricky working on a Jamboard together but we managed it in the end.

Here is our brainstorm. Do you use the same media as us? Would you add anything else?

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Fridge Magnets

Do you know what a QR Code is?
We think everyone knows about QR Codes because of the Covid-19 tracing app and seeing them everywhere we go now.
Do you know what QR means in QR Codes?

Today in our Cybersmart lesson we found out about QR Codes and how to create them. 
It is quite simple in Chrome.
We have created a QR Code for our own blogs today. 
We also inserted an image of ourselves. 
These will be made into Fridge Magnets and we will take them home. 
We hope our families will then visit our blogs and leave a comment.
Here are our designs...


Tuesday, October 19, 2021

Ka wai ahau? | About Me Blog Gadget

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we completed our blog profile for our gadget that is seen all the time on our blog. This is a profile where we share more about us. We are Cybersmart and share personal but not private information.

Here is Aiden's gadget. You can see it on his blog by clicking here

You can see all our blogs by looking in the right-hand side bar of this blog and clicking our names.