Thursday, August 26, 2021

 THe children of Room 9 have been busy online learning this week. One of their tasks were to create an 'Alpha list" to show what life is like in their bubble. I am very pleased with the results, we have some busy children. Here are a selection. 

Friday, August 20, 2021

 For reading Kereu reading group task was to create a Wordle using words about electricty. They had to read a text and watch a video to find the electricity vocab. 

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

 We have been very busy in Room 9. While the Olympics were on we investigated a famous Olympian. We discovered that New Zealand has had lots of famous sports people. We made a slide to display the information. 

Maths Quiz

 Did you know that it is Maths Week?

Room 9 created a Maths Quiz in Google Slides. They used the basic facts that they are currently learning as the Maths for the quiz.

The students then concentrated on linking the right answers to a slide that prompted them to go to the next question. And link the wrong answers to a prompt to "try again". Room 9 worked with a lot of concentration to get the mahi done. Ka pai tō mahi!

Here are some of our quizzes to try...

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Olympic Games Images

  This week in our Cybersmart lesson we were creating images about the Olympic Games.
One task was to complete an Olympic Torch.
We used polyline and curve lines to trace over the image, flipped it horizontally, moved it into position then recoloured it.
Another image to create was a pictogram.
A tricky one was to trace over the Olympic Rings using the curve line tool and recolour them.
Take a look at some of our mahi from today.