Monday, May 31, 2021

Today's Weather Forecast

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we had to make a weather forecast. 

We used the camera app on our Chromebook and set the timer so we could get a photo of us standing. Then we had to remove the background using the online Remove Background site. 

When we inserted our image we had to choose the icons to show the weather and use Mote to record ourselves talking.

Here is some of our work....


Saturday, May 29, 2021

 As part of PB4L we have discussing what a good friend is. Our task was to write a paragraph about a good friend. The first sentence had to be the main idea, then we adding supporting details. 

Our writing challenge was to include the special sentences we have learning - simple sentences, red, white and blue sentence, and a w start sentence. 

We used remove background after taking our photos and Motes to record our paragraphs. 

I am really proud of the paragraphs children of Room 9 wrote. 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Favourite Food

Take a look at the work we were doing this week.
Can you see how our photos don't have any background in them? 
We used the Remove Background site to do this.

Monday, May 17, 2021

"W" sentence starters

 In Room 9 we have learning to use 'w' start sentences in our writing. We have been focusing on 'when' and 'while'. 

Our task was to find a funny picture and write a w start sentence to go with the picture. 

Have a look at some of our sentences. 

Friday, May 14, 2021

Visual Mihi

 This week in our Cybersmart lesson we created a Visual Mihi. 

We talked about delivering messages with images without any words.

We also talked about using images that are labelled for reuse.

We need to only use images we have permission for.
We can find images to use in the Explore Tool in Slides.

We thought of 4 images to convey information about us that we can share online.
The only words on our slide were our name.

Take a look at some of our work on the following slides and 
see if you can find out some more about us from the images we shared.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Smart Footprints

This term we are making smart decisions about our digital footprint.
This week we found out that your digital footprint is permanent.
Today we made smart decisions about what personal information we can share online.

We had to make sure we kept private information off our footprint.
We all agreed that we should never share our phone number, our address, our age and birthday and surnames online. 
Do you agree with us?

Look at our smart footprints we created.