Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Commenting on Blogs

This week in our Cybersmart lesson we were publishing quality blog comments.

We read the "Fake Food" post on our blogging buddies blog who are in 
Room 5 @ Panmure Bridge School.
They created realistic photos of them eating food. 

We wrote positive, thoughtful, helpful comments and published them on the blog post.
Click here to see their blog post and read our comments.

Have we been positive, thoughtful and helpful?

Wednesday, July 7, 2021


 Room 9 really out their imganitive skills to the test this week. We had been learning about the 9 stars of MAtariki. 

Our task was to describe a star as if it was a human. We had to write about what they looked like, what might they wear and what their personalility might be like. 

We had to write 3 paragraphs and insert them into a new slide under the star we wrote about. 

They are amazing descriptions. 

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Matariki Stop Motion Animation #1

This week in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we were creating stop motion animations in Google Slides. To start we heard the story of "The Eyes of Tawhirimatea". Have you heard that story?

We were able to make the stars appear one by one in the sky. Some of us tried to put the stars in the correct position. Do you know all the names of the Matariki stars?

When we showed each other our mahi we found the "publish to the web" link and changed the timing of the presentation. We walked around the class and looked at all the presentations. Here is some of our work.

Ameya has got 9 stars in her sky...

Lacey has added the names of the stars to her presentation...

Jessica has made her stars all different colours and shapes...

Monday, July 5, 2021

Matariki Stop Motion Animations #2

This week in our Cybersmart lesson with Mrs Torrie we were creating stop motion animations in Google Slides. To start we heard the story of "The Eyes of Tawhirimatea". Have you heard that story?

We were able to make the stars appear one by one in the sky. Some of us tried to put the stars in the correct position. Do you know all the names of the Matariki stars?

When we showed each other our mahi we found the "publish to the web" link and changed the timing of the presentation. We walked around the class and looked at all the presentations. Here is some more of our work.

Callum has named all the stars and he has remembered how to use another Glow Text to make a title.

Connor made his stars different shapes

Brodi has made a title in his slides...